String lessons at Octopus Music School are taught using our proprietary OPUS curriculum (Octopus Poly-Instrumental Units of Study). OPUS consists of ten grade levels, each with a requisite assessment and certification. Our curriculum combines elements of Suzuki (emphasizing aural skills) and more traditional Franco-Belgian and Russian methodology. From the beginning, students learn to read notes on the staff as opposed to learning through mimicry and rote lessons. By focusing on technique and reading skills early on, many of the common roadblocks that students experience as they advance simply disappear and steady progress may be made much more quickly.
With consistent practice at recommended intervals, our carefully designed curriculum prepares students to quickly advance from day one by equipping them with the necessary tools and scaffolding to build a comprehensive understanding of the string family of instruments. In addition to learning note-reading, rhythm interpretation, and proper technique, students are exposed to theory, aural training, music appreciation, and collaborative courses with peers to help cultivate an immersive environment in which to thrive.
Lessons are still tailored to individuals' unique learning needs, and repertoire remains flexible so that students are able to learn music which interests them, however the core content and benchmarks have been standardized to ensure fast and steady progress for students of all ages and skill levels.
What students learn in lessons is important but equally important is how they apply that knowledge. At Octopus, students collaborate with their peers in bands and ensembles, play for friends at family at our many performance opportunities, and have access to masterclasses conducted by our staff and special guests.
At Octopus Music School, each of our instrument families has a department director who oversees the curriculum, conducts staff trainings, and plans instrument-specific masterclasses and performance events for students. Our Department Directors track all students' progress monthly teaching staff check-ins and are a resource for teachers and students alike.
​"Listening to a captivating melody will always touch our souls in one way or another, especially when it is performed by a highly expressive instrument like the violin, viola, cello, or double bass. At Octopus, our string lessons prioritize the quick development of musical abilities alongside essential technical skills to ensure students start making music right away. All string students, regardless of age will learn how to develop reading, rhythm, pitch, and musical skills. Students can expect to practice classical repertoire but also to develop their favorite songs from all musical genres! String students at OMS work towards the goal of performing as soloists at semi-annual showcases, as well as the opportunity to perform in chamber orchestras, and more. If hearing a string instrument ignites your passion, this is the perfect place to begin your musical adventure, let us help you get started today!"
-Gennaro M, Director of String Studies​
Gennaro began his musical journey at the age of 12, starting with a traditional Venezuelan instrument, the Cuatro. Three years later, he discovered his passion, the double bass. This led Gennaro to participate in El Sistema, studying with masters such as Felix Petit, Luis Guillermo Perez, Freddy Adrian. After several years conducting and performing in Symphony Orchestras across Venezuela, Gennaro looks forward to sharing his love of music theory, analysis, and performance with all levels of string students.

In addition to weekly private lessons, students at Octopus may enroll in one of our amazing band or ensemble programs where participants learn a repertoire of songs and prepare for performances in and out of our schools!
In addition to our traditional string chamber groups, we encourage our string students to participate in our pop and rock groups. Strings can be a dynamic lead instrument in a band and our bands provide string participants an opportunity to work with their peers in a collaborative setting while taking on a leadership role during performances.

At Octopus, we believe that the cornerstone of a well-rounded music education must emphasize performance. To that end, OMS curates a multitude of opportunities for students to showcase their hard work throughout the year. From our bi-annual Showcase Series to festivals and community events to our bands' appearances at renown venues such as the Stone Pony and Asbury Lanes, Octopus provides string students with countless ways to show off their skills.
We also offer curated string masterclasses on a quarterly basis for all enrolled string students. Masterclasses are a group setting where one of our staff members or a special guest provides focused instruction to students and an audience. The format is different from a private lesson or formal concert; the goal is to create a learning opportunity for both the performers and observers, and for everyone to leave with new insights.